Escape to tranquility...
Nestled in Central Java, Amanjiwo, aptly named ‘Peaceful Soul,’ offers serene views of Borobudur, the world’s largest temple complex. Enjoy privileged access to this UNESCO World Heritage Site without the usual crowds. Cascading from a lofty rotunda to a stunning pool, Amanjiwo provides a perfect balance of cultural discovery and tranquil relaxation, making it an ideal base for exploring historic and natural attractions in the region.
Inspired by the 9th-century Buddhist sanctuary of Borobudur, Amanjiwo’s Suites feature four-pillar king-size beds on raised terrazzo platforms, spacious garden terraces, some with private swimming pools, and lounging pavilions. Views include terraced farmland and the Menoreh Hills, or the valley and Borobodur itself.
Set amidst the rice paddies with its private entrance, the Dalem Jiwo Suite offers two-bedroom pavilions and a private 15-metre (49-foot) swimming pool.
Amanjiwo’s Borobudur Pool Suites offer all the privacy, and comfort of the Borobudur Suites, with the addition of a private swimming pool. The suite’s outdoor areas also include a private walled garden.
Each of Amanjiwo’s Borobudur Suites has a private walled garden with picturesque views of Borobudur and the surrounding valley.
Amanjiwo’s Garden Pool Suites offer their private swimming pool, private walled garden and views across the Menoreh Hills and rice paddies.
Each Garden Suite offers a tranquil walled garden with picturesque views of the Menoreh Hills and tiered rice paddies beyond.
Map and travel information
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 10am – 4:00pm
1 Market Place Mews, Gardiner Place,
Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2AH